- Indication: infections of the airway and the gastrointestinal tract caused by bacteria susceptible to Lincomycin and Spectinomycin.
- Combining the active ingredients in Lincomycin and Spectinomycin has a synergistic efect, making Lincospectin 20% suitable for treatment of airway problems (Mycoplasma Spp.).
- Symptoms of Mycoplasma infections include: reduced performance; dirty cere and eye rims, erect feathers near the ears, wet eyes and breathing with open beak.
- Lincospectin 20% is also used in Adeno-coli Syndrome cases for the purpose of fighting the Coli infections as well as the secondary infections that can occur in Adeno-coli Syndrome
- Symptoms of E. Coli/Adeno infections include: excessive drinking, bad appetite, vomiting and water thin diarrhea.